Instalaçao do CApptagpplus 3,2,0,88

Bom dia. Estou realizando istalaçao, do capptaGPPlus, porem ele nao instala se tiver o warsan instalado na maquina. Tive que desinstala, para entao conseguir instala.

chave de autenticação

Onde encontro a chave de autenticação?

Como funciona o teste 22?

Como faço para executar o teste 22??


Ola, com eu adiciono os detalhes para carregar esta função "RecargaCelular"?

Onde encontrar a DLL

Estou procurando, mas até o momento não consegui localizar

Multiplos Cartões

Como funciona o fluxo de múltiplos cartões? Eu mando de uma vez só o valor de cada um dos pagamentos?

Problemas na instalação

Onde consigo os dados para instalação?

Não foi possível estabelecer a comunicação com o Cappta Gp Plus.

Estou recebendo o seguinte erro: Não foi possível estabelecer a comunicação com o Cappta Gp Plus. É possível que já exista uma conexão aberta com ele em outra aba/janela do seu browser ou ele não esteja sendo executado no Windows. Estou seguindo os passos de homologação para fazer integração meu sistema. Ja fiz a importação: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> var authenticationRequest = { authenticationKey: '795180024C04479982560F61B3C2C06E', merchantCnpj: '12345678912345', checkoutNumber: '12' }; var success = function(response) { // callback para autenticação bem sucedida console.log('success', response.merchantCheckoutGuid); }; var error = function(response) { // callback para autenticação que falhou console.log('error', response.reason); }; var handlePendingPayments = function(response) { // callback para notificação de transações pendentes console.log('handlePendingPayments', response.details.administrativeCodes); }; // instância do CheckoutCappta var checkout = CapptaCheckout.authenticate(authenticationRequest, success, error, handlePendingPayments); CapptaGpPlus esta rodando, estou utilizando chrome

wow gold

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create <>

Earning on the Go: A Student's Guide to Making Money While Traveling

In the modern age, students are increasingly drawn to the idea of traveling while also earning money. The advent of remote work opportunities and online platforms has made this aspiration more attainable than ever before. An insightful article on provides valuable insights into nine effective ways for students to earn money while traversing the globe. Freelance Writing emerges as a lucrative avenue for students to leverage their writing skills. Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer offer a plethora of opportunities for students to offer their writing services, crafting content for blogs, articles, and various digital platforms. Blogging offers students a platform to share their travel experiences and insights with a global audience. <> Through strategies such as advertising and sponsored content, students can transform their travel blog into a source of income. Social Media Influencing presents an exciting opportunity for students with a strong online presence. Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok allow students to collaborate with brands and promote products or services to their followers, earning money through sponsored content and partnerships. Online Tutoring enables students to share their academic expertise with peers around the world. Platforms like and Chegg Tutors facilitate online tutoring sessions, providing students with a flexible source of income while helping others succeed academically. Virtual Assistance allows students to provide administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs remotely. Tasks such as email management, scheduling, and research can be performed from any location with an internet connection. Photography enthusiasts can monetize their passion by selling their photos to stock photography websites or offering photography services to travelers and local businesses. Language Translation services cater to the growing demand for multilingual communication. Students proficient in multiple languages can offer translation services online through platforms like Gengo and One Hour Translation. Remote Work opportunities abound in various industries, allowing students to work from anywhere in the world. Students can explore remote job options in their field of study or expertise, providing a steady source of income while traveling. Airbnb Hosting enables students with spare rooms or properties to earn money by renting them out to travelers. Hosting guests can provide students with a steady income stream while also allowing them to meet people from around the world. In conclusion, students have a multitude of opportunities to earn money while traveling, thanks to the flexibility and accessibility of online platforms and remote work opportunities. By harnessing their skills and passions, students can turn their travel experiences into valuable learning opportunities and sources of income, enriching their academic and personal journeys alike.